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WELL and BLUE Lease


In addition to the 'green' aspects (such as energy saving and CO2 reduction), 'blue' aspects such as social sustainability, well-being and the health of the end user are becoming increasingly central to the development or renovation of buildings. Healthier buildings lead, among other things, to higher (labour) productivity and less absenteeism due to illness. In the long term, the latter could, for example, also lead to lower premiums for health insurers.


Boot Advocaten develops models to implement new standards that objectively measure 'health' and 'productivity' in new contract forms. The aim is to create added value for real estate in the field of well-being and health. We work on rental, collaboration and project development contracts that are not based solely on square meters, but also on comfort and productivity.


One of those methods is the   from the United StatesWell Building Standard. This standard is based on scientific studies from the medical world, translated into measurable performance to improve the impact of a building (new and existing) on the health, comfort and well-being of the user. Measurable performances are defined on the themes of air, water, nutrition, light, movement, comfort, sound, material, spirit and community, which can be used to control the design, management and use of buildings.


BLUE lease

This is a unique product that guarantees the blue idea in an agreement. In this BLUE Lease, sustainability ambitions and (re)certification requirements are laid down in an appendix to a (rental) contract. This ensures that long-term sustainability can also be guaranteed, and not just at the time of construction and rental. This blueprint, which Boot Advocaten also applies specifically to each client, is part of Next Generation Real Estate. The established BLUE Lease team translates the "blue" idea into a concept for real estate or real estate portfolios to promote value retention.

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