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Boot Advocaten was founded in 2002 as a niche firm for the construction and real estate market. There were already enough law firms and Alexandra Jurgens-Boot saw a gap in the market.
It is essential for us to keep moving along with market changes and with the clientele. The office serves leading Dutch companies and governments. For examples of our projects, look under "references."
The niche firm has now taken the next step as we have entered into a partnership with the renowned Belgian engineering firm Factor4. Commissioned by the European Commission, this agency has developed the so-called Comfortmeter. The Comfortmeter is an online user survey, on the basis of which a building owner or manager can take scientifically sound and objective measures that have a positive effect on the well-being of the users of that building. The Comfortmeter, developed in collaboration with four European universities, makes it possible to measure the subjective perception of well-being in a building for the first time. By working together with Factor4, Boot Advocaten is better able to provide good and broad advice on subjects such as making real estate more sustainable, energy performance contracts, healthy buildings and setting up ESCos. As well as energy savings, the delivered and experienced comfort and the technical installation output are also the subject of performance agreements. This combination leads to demonstrable added value of the agreements and the real estate.
As shown, healthy buildings and comfort are becoming new benchmarks in the real estate sector. This is not only about (energetic) sustainability, but also about increasing (labour) productivity and health ('human sustainability'). Together with partners such as Eneco, Bam, CFP, various municipalities, the Ministry of  the Interior and national organizations such as Energiesprong, RVO, DGBC and Esconetwerk, we are taking concrete steps in this direction. Thus, Boot Advocaten proves that the real estate, sustainable energy and health and care sectors are inextricably linked and in doing so we prove that we are a trendsetter in the transition from 'Green' to 'Blue'.
Regardless of all the innovations, Boot Advocaten remains a renowned player in the traditional real estate and construction world. The emphasis is always primarily on the 'front' of the process. We assist various municipalities and housing corporations in drawing up and implementing tenders. We also guide and advise tendering parties on tenders. We developed a guideline for Tendering Energy Performance Contracts for the Ministry of the Interior, a practical model intended for contracting authorities, market parties and consultants. This guideline makes it possible to actually realize sustainable projects and has since become the model to be used by the entire Dutch government.
Boot Advocaten is particularly specialized in structuring and contracting real estate projects (both project and area development) and construction law. Our integrated models include legal, fiscal, financial and technical aspects. In addition, Boot Advocaten specializes in 'deviating' real estate agreements such as PPP constructions, DBFMO agreements, ESCos and energy performance contracts, lease constructions and building contracts. Finally, in addition to an extensive consultancy practice, we also have an active litigation practice in the field of construction law, procurement law and transactions.
Legal/Financial Services
Boot Advocaten will further expand its activities in the second half of 2015 by entering into a partnership with financial advisers and investors. This enables us to advise our clients even better on issues such as setting up fund structures, complex financing constructions and the possibilities of (alternative) funding.
There are various national and international investment funds that have resources available to, among other things, make real estate more sustainable. However, there is a lack of projects in the Netherlands. Boot Advocaten will support financiers, market parties and clients in initiating projects based on financing models in combination with standardization of contracts.
An example for clarification: There are 7000 schools in the Netherlands that need to become sustainable. Boot Advocaten works on behalf of ministries and implementing organizations on projects in which schools are not only made more sustainable, but attention is also paid to the learning environment. Boot Advocaten does not only take into account the legal aspects, but also draws up financing and implementation models to actually renovate, improve and make these schools sustainable. One of these projects concerns eighty schools in the province of Utrecht.
Legal and strategic advice in the field of blue buildings
Boot Advocaten has further expanded its activities with legal and strategic advice in the field of Blue Buildings. In addition to BREEAM, a new standard for buildings has now been developed in the US and Asia, the WELL Building Standard. Boot Advocaten advises on adapting this new standard for the European market. We work with organizations that develop data to measure the impact of the economic effect of healthy buildings on valuation, transaction and speed. Boot Advocaten links real estate parties to parties in the healthcare sector, including health insurers. By entering into collaborations and partnerships, Boot Advocaten is able to further expand its activities with legal and strategic advice in the field of Blue Buildings.

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