Obligation to implement energy-saving measures
Pursuant to the Environmental Management Act and the Environmental Management Activities Decree, companies and institutions that consume more than 50,000 kWh of electricity or 25,000 m³ of natural gas (equivalent) are obliged to take energy-saving measures. Exactly which measures must be implemented can be found in appendix 10 of the Environmental Management Activities Regulation. This obligation had existed for several years, but was not always complied with due to poor enforcement. However, the government is committed to more intensive enforcement of this obligation. In that context, the government is introducing the obligation to provide information.
Information obligation
By 1 July 2019 at the latest, companies and institutions must report which energy-saving measures have been taken. This must be done via the eLoket of RVO.nl.
Municipalities are responsible for supervising - and enforcing - the statutory energy saving and the information obligation. Municipalities must collect the submitted reports themselves from RVO. They check reports and can ask additional questions or carry out an inspection visit.
If the obligation to provide information is not met, municipalities can take enforcement action. This can have financial consequences, for example in the form of a penalty. It is therefore important that the data is provided on the RVO website in a timely and complete manner.
If you have any questions about the obligation to provide information, please do not hesitate to contact us.