New construction or renovation of real estate is unthinkable today without explicit objectives in the field of sustainability. After all, the regulations in this area are becoming increasingly stricter. In addition, more and more companies are making CSR and CSR part of their business strategy.
Boot Advocaten knows better than anyone how the realization of 'green' objectives should be laid down in a contract. After all, it is not only necessary to build sustainably, but also to operate and keep it in use sustainably.
Real estate and energy
Boot Advocaten has special expertise in the (sustainability) issue of energy. Real estate and energy are becoming more and more connected. New construction and renovation are increasingly being realized according to the principles of the 'Trias Energetica' (combating wastage of energy through design and insulation, using residual heat and other energy already present as well as possible and making maximum use of energy from renewable sources). This requires additional investments, which will only pay for themselves in the operational phase. Boot Advocaten has extensive experience with Green Lease contracts in the retail and office market, with the help of which the costs and benefits of sustainable energy solutions are divided equally between landlord and tenants.
Custom contracts
It is becoming increasingly clear that for many companies, housing corporations and individuals, own (decentralized) energy generation is the only option to keep energy costs manageable. Whichever option or combination of options is chosen (solar energy, wind energy, ATES, biogas): there is always a need for tailor-made contracts between the various parties involved, such as builders, operators, energy producers, network operators, installers and customers. Boot Advocaten is at the forefront of this. Not only in legal terms, but also in advising, supervising tenders and conducting procedures with regard to obtaining the necessary permits.
Innovative developments
As a niche player, Boot Advocaten is well aware of and often intensively involved in the latest innovative developments in the sustainable energy market. This is apparent, among other things, from the involvement of the office in adapting the regulations for the certification and subsidization of energy from renewable sources and for Closed Distribution Systems and Direct Lines for the transmission of energy.
Boot Advocaten is also a founding partner and member of the strategy council of het ESCo Network Netherlands, the knowledge network for the provision of information related to ESCos and member of the leading legal group Dutch Green Building Council.
The energy transition we are in requires breaking through silos. Extra attention is needed for communication, cultural differences and the organization of new partnerships. Boot Advocaten helps to organize these processes flexibly. We don't seal such a collaboration with contracts. We organize long-term flexible partnerships with shared responsibilities and benefits.
Projects and News
Momenteel wordt in de Tweede Kamer de “Klimaatwet” behandeld. De Klimaatwet is nog geen wet, maar een wetsvoorstel dat momenteel door de Tweede Kamer wordt behandeld.
Wijzigingen in de aansluitplicht op het gastransportnet
Per 1 juli 2018 wijzigt wettelijke verplichting van de netbeheerder om kleinverbruikers op het gastransportnet aan te sluiten (artikel 10 lid 6, onder a Gaswet).
Beslisboom Verduurzaming Scholen
Nieuwe online tool: Beslisboom Verduurzaming scholen integraal maatregelenpakket met kostenindicatie
Persbericht Beslisboom Verduurzaming Scholen
In dit persbericht komt u meer te weten over de mede door Boot advocaten ontwikkelde tool
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