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Boot Advocaten supervised the tender and the contracting after the tender of  masterplan “De Werkplaats”. This plan forms the basis for the Spoorzone core area. The basic program offers a minimum of 220,000m² of development, which can be divided into 150,000m² for living, 25,000m² for work, 20,000m² for catering and culture, 10,000m², possibly 60,000m² for education, 10,000m² for commercial facilities and 5,000m² for other facilities.


In the coming years, the area will be redeveloped into a high-quality central urban location with homes, offices and educational, cultural and leisure facilities. In 2010, a developer was selected as a partner through a tendering procedure to draw up a master plan for the area together with the municipality of Tilburg. The selection and award criteria were innovative and led to a successful tender for a large-scale area development.

In the context of the current crisis, the winner can no longer meet its obligations. Boot Advocaten assisted the municipality in the renegotiations. Within the scope of the tender and the associated contracts, new conditions have been set and further agreements have been made. Boot Advocaten advises the municipality on the land transactions and the further content of the cooperation agreement. Based on the A-team concept, Boot Advocaten connects and coordinates the tax specialists, land price experts and responsible department heads with the market party.

Boot also advises on the large-scale heat/cold storage to be realized in the area.

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